» Jay
D. - (Tampa, FL)
I still use a dial-up
internet connection and I
surf the web for hours at a time. So it comes as
no surpise that dealing with those annoying pop-up
windows was a huge waste of time. Thanks to PopUp
Monster I have more hassle-free time to surf the web!
» Rick
B. - (Brooklyn, NY)
I can't stand surfing
the web, trying to locate something,
only to get blasted by pop-ups, and time delayed pop-unders
and other kinds of annoying tactics. In the small amount of
spare time that I do have, PopUp Monster allowed me the
freedom to surf the web unaffected by pop-ups!
» Janice
A. - (Minneapolis, MN)
My kids enjoy surfing
the web and I try to protect them from as much unsolicited advertising
as possible. The PopUp Monster not only provides additional protection,
its monster characters and sounds appeals to the kids and they
enjoy surfing the web even more!
» Harold
M. - (Dover, DE)
I love to surf the
web, but I get paranoid that website track my computer or try
to track my web habits. PopUp Monster gives me the peace of mind
that I was looking for by blocking malicious websites from installing
bugs on my machine.
waste another minute
surfing without the Pop-Up Monster!

for Windows - 3.9 MB |