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What is Sweet Money?
Sweet Money is a an advertising program run by Sweet Entertainment Group. SEG was formed in July 1997 in Vancouver, B.C. to focus on the production of top quality adult content and websites. We have produced over 75,000 images and over 2,000 hours of video. We are responsible, dependable and always available to help you make money!

This revolutionary new program offers you, the webmaster, a whole host of features to help you capitalize on your traffic. Here is a short list of some of these features:

» loads of free content images and videos
» pre built galleries available for download (hosted galleries coming soon!)
» payout on 3 processors
» flexible stats package allows you to track your hits AND signups back to a URL
» flexible exit console control

How much can I earn?

Your income is unrestricted. For the Revshare program you make 60% recurring for the life of the member and for the Pay per Signup program you will make $30/join even on trials! (These payouts are negotiable for high volume partners)

When do I get paid?

Sweet Money pays out twice a month. Checks are sent out on the 28th (for the first period of the month) and the 13th for the second period with the minimum payout being $50.

How can I use your free content?
We give out a large amount of free content for you to use in your promotions. The only rules regarding the use of our free content are as follows:

Every page where our content appears must have your referral links in place and make an honest and sincere effort to sell our sites. All watermarks on pictures and videos must be kept in place and not cropped out. This is to ensure our copyrights stay strong and it is for your protection AND ours.

What about exit consoles?
We know everyone hates exit consoles but the fact of the matter is they make money. That's why we've built into our program a flexible exit console strategy.

Revshare affiliates will get only ONE console on their traffic that advertises ONLY our other sites and credits you with all signups. If you prefer no consoles, this option is also available.
Pay per join affiliates will get 4 consoles on their traffic and they too will get credited for all joins to our sites. This is flexible and we are able to change your payouts according to how many consoles you can deal with.

Do I need to sign up again if I'm already a "Sweet" affiliate?
All of your existing links from our other programs will continue to work with our sites. However if you'd like to take advantage of all the new features this program has to offer you will need to sign up again.

Do you accept spam traffic?
Under no circumstances do we accept traffic from spam or underage teen sites. If we discover that you are using these methods to send traffic your account will be terminated without pay. If you have a double opt in email list please notify us first before advertising our sites with it.

Can I post to TGP's, Link Lists and MGP's?
Yes you may use any of these methods to send traffic but traditionally the conversion rates with this type of traffic is relatively poor.

Create a new account now and start promoting!
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Sweet Royalties - Performance Based Gallery Program Hardcore Custom Fetish Content SweetDialers Revenue Program SweetMoney Revenue Generating Program