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Whole Body Vibration is a form of exercise that has been researched for over 40 years. Thousands of hours of use by people of all ages has shown that it is a safe and effective way to exercise. It was originally designed to help the Russian astronauts, known as cosmonauts. American astronauts usually spent on average 120 days in space before returning. Their Russian colleagues, however, would spend up to 420 days in space. This has led to a loss of muscle strength and bone density because of the weightless environment. Whole Body Vibration exercise came out of the need to help these Russian cosmonauts to regain their strength and mobility after spending time in space. Seeing the results from such a quick and effective and gentle way to exercise, the Russian Olympic athletes also started using Whole Body Vibration training. They would start seeing spectacular results in their strength and ability to recover from their very difficult workouts. Once communism fell in Russia, the secrets of Whole Body Vibration made its way to Europe in the early 1990’s. Just like in Russia, other European athletes began using this form of effective exercise. Not only were the athletes using it, but health professionals involved in rehabilitation began putting their patients on it. Pretty soon, Whole Body Vibration began to be used in hospitals, physical therapy clinics, and rehabilitation facilities. Everyone from the elderly, the person with physical disabilities, to the general person looking to get toned began using this exciting form of exercise. It is truly here to stay.



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