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1. Is vibration training something new?
No. Vibration training is backed by over 40 years of research. The technology utilizes a   frequency range that has been proven to be both safe and effective. The technology was originally designed to treat bone and lean muscle mass loss in cosmonauts who had spent considerable time in a weightless environment, in addition to enhancing power and strength and accelerating recovery in Russian Olympic athletes. Eventually, the technology was introduced to Europe in the early 1990’s, where further research was done to validate its effects. Due to its many benefits, the technology has quickly gained acceptance and is now utilized by universities, professional sports teams, and health professionals in the rehabilitation and medical fields.

2. Is vibration training safe?
Yes. The WAVE utilizes a very specific frequency range that is both proven in research and safe and effective. Every object has a resonance frequency. For example, internal organs and the spine have a resonance frequency between 5 and 20 Hz. Any vibration at a frequency of less than 20 Hz is NOT recommended. The WAVE stays within the safe range. This is why countless hours of exercise has been performed using Whole Body Vibration and there has been no detrimental value.

3. Is there research behind this technology?
Vibration training has 40 years of research behind it’s science. With any technology, the individual needs to take a critical look at the research and validity behind it.  Whole Body Vibration has been featured in such prestigious and influential peer reviewed journals as Spine, Journal of Bone and Mineral Density, and Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. With it’s potential applications, new research is constantly being initiated across numerous North American and European Universities. 

4. What makes WAVE exercise different from conventional training?
WAVE exercise has the competitive advantage over conventional training due to its ability to provide a more effective and efficient exercise without the constraints associated with regular training, such as joint stress, lengthy repetitions and time commitments. Research has shown similar strength gains to conventional resistance training at a fraction of the time. Fifteen minutes of Vibration exercise produces similar results to 1 hour in conventional training. In addition, there is less stress on the joints, ligaments and tendons with Vibration training when compared to regular resistance training. Therefore, the WAVE provides an effective solution to those that may benefit from weight training, but are unable to engage in it.

5. What is the science behind WAVE exercise?
The science behind Vibration exercise follows several different principles:

The Stretch Reflex:

The movement of the vibration plate with a small amplitude of 2 to 4 mm simulates the body’s natural ‘stretch reflex’ (Tonic Vibration Reflex). This is similar to the knee jerk reaction that occurs when the knee is tapped by a reflex hammer in a doctor’s office. Without thinking about it, your body responds with a strong involuntary muscle contraction, leading to your leg ‘kicking out’. With the WAVEä technology, these strong muscle contractions can be repeated at a rapid rate. At a frequency of 20 to 50 times a second, the WAVEä can produce up to 3000 contractions in 1 minute.

Nearly 100% Muscle Recruitment:

Due to its involuntary effect on muscle contraction, nearly 100% of the muscle fibers are recruited. Compare this to conventional training where there is only on average 40% muscle recruitment. This benefits the rehabilitation patient looking to add stability and strength to all muscles around their joints, to the athlete looking to maximize strength gains.

Increased Blood Circulation:

The gentle rapid contractions of up to 3000 times per minute allow the muscle to work as a pump in introducing blood to even the smallest blood vessels. This leads to the ability of the body to carry off waste products much faster, leading to increased peripheral circulation.

6. What is the age limit to Whole Body Vibration training?
There is no upper age limit to WAVE exercise. By itself, it is not indicate a contraindication. The WAVE has many benefits for the elderly population, including positive effects on bone density, improvements in blood circulation, and increase in strength, balance and flexibility. All this is accomplished with less stress on the joints, tendons and ligaments than conventional exercise.

7. What is the youngest age for vibration training?
We recommend following general guidelines on resistance training for adolescents. Taking this into consideration, we recommend an age limit of 12. However, there should always be supervision by a qualified individual. Any age less than 12 requires approval from a physician prior to any exercise.

8. Are there any contraindications?
Like any exercise program that is initiated, there are contraindications. Whole Body Vibration has already been used quite extensively, and there have been no significant side effects or injuries noted. In essence, Whole Body Vibration training is as safe as conventional resistance training.

The following is a list of contraindications that must be kept in mind prior to an individual starting Whole Body Vibration.  Please note that some of these contraindications can actually benefit from using the WAVE. Please click here to see how the WAVE can help. We recommend a person consult a physician prior to starting any new exercise program.

Acute inflammations and infections
Acute joint disorders and arthroses
Acute severe migraine headache
Acute rheumatoid arthritis
Serious cardiovascular diseases, such as heart and vascular.
Fresh surgery wounds
Recent joint implants, such as foot, knee and hip implants
Heart rhythm disorders
Heart valve disorders
Recently placed metal or synthetic implants such as pacemaker, intra – uterine device, and cochlear implants
Recent thrombosis or possible thrombotic complaints
Severe diabetes
Kidney stones
Low back complaints such as acute hernia, discopathy, and spondylolysis

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