Corporations realize that their employees are their most valuable resource. But with rising health care expenses, this same group also represents one of the single greatest threats to their profit margins. Trends show more and more sedentary work for employees, while others lack time or access to maintain strength and flexibility to prevent injuries. Its no surprise that more and more corporations are starting to understand the benefits of corporate fitness, not only to their employee, but to the corporation itself. Corporate fitness programs have consistently shown positive results for several parameters: lower employee turnover rate; reduced absenteeism and lower medical claim costs. Other employers utilize fitness programs as a powerful recruiting strategy, helping them strive to become the ‘employer of choice.’ Fitness programs make good business sense.

However, for some employers, there are limitations to starting an effective fitness program. A lack of space is an issue, while others shrug at the cost of hiring a trainer onsite. Also, low utilization of services becomes a problem. With onsite fitness facilities, there is a need to change clothing, which limits the time of day one can participate. For this reason, most employees only have time before, during lunch, or after work. A lack of time may lead to lack of interest in pursuing fitness goals, thereby lowering compliance.
WAVE exercise is uniquely positioned to be part of an effective solution for corporate health and wellness. Not only is WAVE exercise capable of providing multiple health benefits, such as increased strength, flexibility and circulation, but is also able to solve some of the employer’s concerns. An exercise session can last as little as 5 minutes, depending on fitness goals. This translates into the ability of an employee to achieve results during small breaks throughout the day, without the need to change into fitness attire. Employees that originally lacked time can now access and use the WAVE to achieve their goals.