QUESTION: What do these professional sports teams have in common? |
• Cleveland Cavaliers
• Green Bay Packers
• Chicago White Sox
• Manchester United
• Miami Heat |
ANSWER: They all use vibration exercise for PEAK PERFORMANCE training |
Vibration training has become a valuable training tool for increasing performance. Not only do elite athletes use it to gain an edge on the competition, but also by everyday fitness enthusiasts in enhancing recovery and preventing injuries. The WAVE is simple to use and requires short training sessions. This gives you more time to devote to your sport or activity.
To get further details on how the WAVE can help you in sports performance, click here. |
Backed by research, driven by results ... |
Explosive strength gains from 10 minutes a day of vibration training for 10 days is the equivalent to the gains found from 200 drop-jumps from 24 inches, two times per week, for a year!
(Carmelo Bosco, New trends in training science) |
The Bone Research Group in Finland found an increase of 8.5% in jumping ability after vibration training for 4 months. (Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 2002; 34 (9): 1523-8) |
A study conducted in 2001 demonstrated a doubling of blood circulation after vibration training, resulting in the body to carry off waste products much faster, thereby enhancing circulation and recovery. (Clinical Physiology, 2001; 21 (3): 377-382) |
Hormonal studies point to an increase of growth hormone by 360%, testosterone by 7% and a decrease in the stress hormone cortisol by 32%. This leads to an enhanced training effect! (Eur J Appl Physiol, 2000; 81: 449-454) |
A study concluded that vibration training led to an increase of flexibility that was 3 ½ times greater than conventional training over a 3-week period.
(J Sports Sci, 1994; 12 (6): 561-6) |
Testimonials |
“Being a boxer, power and speed are very important for me to gain an edge on my opponents. The WAVE helped me develop this by working my fast twitch muscles. Since I spend a lot of time on my cardio conditioning, using the WAVE for my power training is valuable. By taking only 15 minutes, it lets me stay in top shape and spend more time on my boxing skills.”
- Andrew Kooner, Olympic Boxer |
“I wish this machine was around when I was competing. It's a tremendous breakthrough. In fact, it's one of the only exercises around that actually recruits the hard-to-train fast twitch muscle fibers – the ones responsible for giving an athlete his speed, quickness, agility and power. With the WAVE, I would have had more explosive strength and I probably could have completed rehab a lot sooner. And yet it's so simple and easy to use, even my mother can benefit from it. I love it."
- Elvis Stojko, 3 time World Champion Figure Skater |
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